This ministry caters to the men of Testimonial Cathedral. We as the men of Testimonial gear to engage all men from ages 13 and up. In fellowship, fundraising, and community outreach. We strive to build, encourage, and equip our men to be stronger in Christ.
The women's department is strategically designed to touch, empower, include, involve, and encircle every woman of Testimonial. We strive to build sisterhood through community outreach and life-changing events.

We are the fire youth of Testimonial. We have different departments, starting with our lite bright kids ages 2-11, our fire youth ages 12-17. We strive to build a foundation at an early age. So when they reach adulthood they know how to see life in a Christians perspective.
We are a young adult community between the ages of 18-45 striving to bridge the gap between the young and the old. This ministry seeks to cultivate gifts so they may be presented in the most effective and excellent way.

The Christian Education is designed to help others grow in knowledge and in faith in a close and intimate environment. We offer Sunday School and Bible Study in topical teaching. Our teachers are well versed in biblical studies, referring to the latest commentaries. The purpose is to help gain a better understanding of who God is and His role in our lives. God's word has the ability to change lives and promote Christian growth.
The doorkeepers of the house are here to provide a welcoming and pleasant environment to everyone that walks in the doors of our church. This is one of the main branches of our hospitality department which here to oversee and maintain a peaceful and orderly service.

The Music & Worship Arts department is a monumental staple of Testimonial Cathedral Church of God in Christ. The music ministry uses music as a way to serve God. Service to God through the music ministry is expressed as service to the congregation of our church. Encouraging believers, supporting the sermon, praising and worshipping God, and sharing the Gospel with non-believers through songs are our responsibility of our music ministry. We also produce city wide original stage plays that encourage and uplifts our communities.
Young Women's Christian Council
The Young Women’s Christian Council (YWCC) is an organization that ministers to young women, married and single. The YWCC encourages holy living and dedication to Christian service in the church and community, building strong Christian women striving for perfection in Christ.

Evangelism/Missionary Department
This Department is made up of women who have answered the call of God to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. We serve in various capacities within the church and the mission field whether at home or foreign. We are Aspirant, Deaconess, and Evangelist Missionaries. The Missionary Department offers training, preparation, and fellowship which equips the Missionary to be productive in the local church, district, jurisdictional and national work.